Harvesting data software to very much out of control and needs to be stopped. At least remove the MLM factor! <<< This is fueling the abuse... STOP Unwanted Recorded Phone Calls to Business People in the US - FCC Consumer Protection - GrassRoots Action Forum FIND AND REPORT SPAM PHONE CALLS AND NUMBERS HERE >>>> Secret Formula, Scraper Pro, Phone Broadcast Club, Lead Net Pro, IbuzzPro, Teller Seminar Marketing and any other software that is spamming phones and harrassing small business people with unwanted calls is our of control... Is becoming a major nuisance to small business owners in the US who put their phone numbers on their websites. Our conclusion regarding "Recorded Message Scamers and Spamers" is way out of control and these people need to be stopped with Class Action Lawsuits. An Internet-based telemarketing scheme that promises great rewards poses a threat to Web site operators who post their telephone numbers. Day after day more and more people are receiving unsolicited, prerecorded, commercial calls from a telemarketers who promised that I can "get unlimited free leads you . . . and have your prospects calling you instead of you having to chase them" by going to my Web site. If you receive unwanted calls from people attempting to market Scraper Pro, Phone Broadcast Club, IbuzzPro, or similar programs, please complain to the FTC and the Better Business Bureau. If you receive any calls about "gifting programs," please get as much detail as you can and complaint to the FBI. If you have purchased any of these auto call systems and conclude that the opportunity was exaggerated, please contact the Better Business Bureau today. These people must be stopped. Stop
Pre Recorded Messages from Calling my Business Please Post Links and Commends to me added HERE STOP BUSINESS PHONE SPAM FORUM Post your ideas on how to stop these JERKS >>> Enter Here NO signups Business Phone Spam Forum Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems and Artificial or Prerecorded Voice Calls Complaints The FCC has specific rules for automatic telephone dialing systems, also known as autodialers. These devices can be particularly annoying and generate many consumer complaints. The rules regarding automatically dialed and prerecorded calls apply whether or not you have registered your home phone number(s) on the national Do-Not-Call list. Autodialers can produce, store, and dial telephone numbers using a random or sequential number generator. They often place artificial (computerized) or prerecorded voice calls. The use of autodialers, including predictive dialers, often results in abandoned calls hang-ups or dead air. Except for emergency calls or calls made with the prior express consent of the person being called, autodialers and any artificial or prerecorded voice messages may not be used to contact numbers assigned to:
Calls using artificial or prerecorded voice messages including those that do not use autodialers may not be made to home phone numbers except for:
In addition, the FCCs rules prohibit the use of autodialers in a way that ties up two or more lines of a multi-line business at the same time. All artificial or prerecorded telephone messages must state, at the beginning, the identity of the business, individual, or other entity that is responsible for initiating the call. If a business is responsible for initiating the call, the name under which the entity is registered to conduct business with the State Corporation Commission (or comparable regulatory authority) must be stated. During or after the message, the caller must give the telephone number (other than that of the autodialer or prerecorded message player that placed the call) of the business, other entity, or individual that made the call so that you can call during regular business hours to ask that the company no longer call you. The number provided may not be a 900 number or any other number for which charges exceed local or long distance charges. Autodialers that deliver a recorded message must release the called partys telephone line within five seconds of the time that the calling system receives notification that the called partys line has hung up. In some areas, you could experience a delay before you can get a dial tone again. Your local telephone company can tell you if there is a delay in your area. Telemarketers must ensure that predictive dialers abandon no more than three percent of all calls placed and answered by a person. A call will be considered "abandoned" if it is not transferred to a live sales agent within two seconds of the recipient's greeting. Caller Identification (ID) If you have caller ID, a telemarketer is required to transmit or display its phone number and, if available, its name or the name and phone number of the company for which it is selling products. The display must include a phone number that you can call during regular business hours to ask that the company no longer call you. This rule applies even if you have an EBR with the company, and even if you have not registered your home phone number(s) on the national Do-Not-Call list. Before these rules took effect, the words private, out of area, or unavailable might have appeared on the Caller ID display. What You Can Do The FCC can issue warning citations and impose fines against companies violating or suspected of violating the do-not-call rules, but does not award individual damages. If you receive a telephone solicitation that you think violates any of these rules, you can file a complaint with the FCC. There is no charge for filing a complaint. You can file your complaint using an on-line complaint form found at esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm. You can also file your complaint with the FCCs Consumer Center by e-mailing fccinfo@fcc.gov; calling 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) voice or 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322) TTY; faxing 1-866-418-0232; or writing to: Federal Communications Commission Unwanted Telephone Marketing Calls The national Do-Not-Call list protects home voice or personal wireless phone numbers only. While you may be able to register a business number, your registration will not make telephone solicitations to that number unlawful. Similarly, registering either a home or business fax number will not make sending a fax advertisement to that number unlawful, but the FCC has separate rules that prohibit unsolicited fax advertisements under most circumstances. For more information on the rules for fax advertisements, see our consumer fact sheet at www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/unwantedfaxes.html, or visit our Web site at www.fcc.gov/cgb/policy/faxadvertising.html, A telephone solicitation is a telephone call that acts as an advertisement. The term does not include calls or messages placed with your express prior permission, by or on behalf of a tax-exempt non-profit organization, or from a person or organization with which you have an established business relationship (EBR). An EBR exists if you have made an inquiry, application, purchase, or transaction regarding products or services offered by the person or entity involved. Generally, you may put an end to that relationship by telling the person or entity not to place any more solicitation calls to your home. Additionally, the EBR is only in effect for 18 months after your last business transaction or three months after your last inquiry or application. After these time periods, calls placed to your home phone number or numbers by that person or entity are considered telephone solicitations subject to the do-not-call rules. Company-Specific Do-Not-Call Lists Whether or not your home phone number or numbers are registered on the national Do-Not-Call list, the FCC requires a person or entity placing voice telephone solicitations to your home to maintain a record of your direct request to that caller not to receive future telephone solicitations from that person or entity. The calling company must honor your do-not-call request for five years. To prevent calls after five years, you will need to repeat your request to the company, and it must honor it for another five years (and so on). Your request should also stop calls from affiliated entities if you would reasonably expect them to be included, given the identification of the caller and the product being advertised. Unless your home phone number or numbers are registered on the national Do-Not-Call list, however, you must make a separate do-not-call request to each telemarketer from whom you do not wish to receive calls. When you receive telephone solicitation calls, clearly state that you want to be added to the callers do-not-call list. You may want to keep a list of those persons or businesses that you have asked not to call you. Tax-exempt non-profit organizations are not required to keep do-not-call lists. State Do-Not-Call Lists Additionally, many states now have statewide do-not-call lists for residents in their respective states. Contact your states public service commission or consumer protection office to see if your state has such a list, and to find out how to register your number or numbers. For contact information for your state public service commission, go to www.naruc.org/commissions.cfm. You can also find contact information for these offices in the blue pages or government section of your local telephone directory. These "MLM GREEDY JERKS" teach uneducated homebased sales people to unknowingly break the law. Phone Broadcasting (Robo Calling) is against the law and violators are fined $16,000 per complaint. >>> Rip Reports of Robo Caller System MLM Sellers: LeadNetPro Scraper
Pro, Phone Broadcast Club, and IbuzzPro:
Very high pressure sales at the seminars and conferences - grandiose claims that are not fulfilled - Over and a growing list of 600 complaints of Fraud with BBB - Also, an F rating with the BBB - Attorney Generals suing for violation of consumer protection laws.
Storesonline.com Stores Online Aka Imergent Inc Aka Inetseminars.com are truly the BEST Deceptive rip off scam in the US.
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I have a client who has a sister and she paid these Utah based con-artists 25,000.00 for a site she has not made one penny on. The sad part of that story she is still paying a monthly fee to maintain it. I told her to find a lawyer and sue them. I had been to one of the events they held once, An older women that we know told me she got an invite in the mail and wanted to see what it was all about, so I went along with her. I tried to warn as many people as I could in the crowd. I had heard about them from a poor guitar builder that put over $6000.00 into their crooked little hands. These people are real pro. rip off artists who target people who know nothing about making money online. - Stores Online Reviews < Add your and look at just some of the people they ripped off.
We can only hope to save others from making this same mistake, and try to shut them down. We all need to call the venues that are hold these scaminars put on my SOL for preying on otherwise hardworking people and them to Stop the show!!! - Stores Online Fraud Lawsuits
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