Marijuana has many adverse effects! So that gives you many reasons to quit smoking Pot...
to quit smoking marijuana and gain
freedom to live a happy creative life?
Today Marijuana is being pushed everywhere. At the same time it is one of the most underestimated drug that can cause severe long term health problems both mentally and physically. Marijuana addiction also causes people to forget about their responsibilities and commitments in life. The day I lost my job because I was high and messed up, I realised smoking pot has held me back from really living and acheiving my dreams. I Decided it was time to take control of my life. - Joe Marijuana, Just Harmless Fun? - Medical Glossary Related to Marijuana - How to Quit Marijuana |
People say they use
marijuana because they believe that they need to to
relieve their stress. This belief is what many doctors
think causes Marijuana to be a mental addiction. If you
think you can't have a smooth calm day without it, you
must replace the urge with stress relievers as deep
breathing, exercise, reading and helping others. Another way to kick the marijuana using habit is to get involved in other positive activities. Write, learn to play an instrument, volunteer your time etc. Keep yourself so busy everyday that you don't even think about zoning out. Reach out for love and support from family, friends, professional counseling and support groups. Don't ever think that you can do it alone. Do you know this fact that smoking a single joint of pot can affect your breathing capacity as same as five cigarettes does. The researchers claim that because marijuana users inhale more deeply and joints smoked without a filter, smoking weed is bad for the lungs. Not getting noticed in your community for
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